Protect your business from the impact of a cyber incident

The use of technology is now embedded in nearly every aspect of what we do, including in the running and promotion of businesses, in fact most of us find it hard to image how we would cope without it !

Whilst the advancement of technology has had a positive impact for businesses it has also introduced new threats to their well-being. Businesses now face threats and the resulting reputational and financial loss from

  • Virus attacks
  • Hacking of customer data
  • Ransomware
  • The targeting of individuals in an attempt to gain access to company funds by deception

The threats are real for owner-managed businesses as well as large corporate organisations. A Government survey in 2017 highlighted that 45% of SME and Micro businesses had experienced a cyber incident in the previous 12 months.

For examples of real cyber incidents and the impact on SME businesses follow this link Cyber Incident examples.

Insurance is available to protect against the impact these risks, call 01684 217555 to see how we can help.


QUICK NOTE – useful guidance on Cyber related issues

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